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Magic tricks of XP

Magic tricks you can try in Microsoft Windows and in MS-Office!!!

Trick #1

Nobody can create a FOLDER anywhere on the computer which can be named as "CON".

This is something very interesting!



Trick #2

This is something pretty cool and neat...and unbelievable...

At Microsoft the whole Team, including Bill Gates, couldn't answer why this happened!

Try it out yourself...

Open Microsoft Word and type

=rand (200, 99)

And then press ENTER!


Trick #3

For those of you using Windows, do the following:

1. Open an empty notepad file

2. Type "Bush hid the facts" (without the quotes)

3. Save it as whatever you want.

4. Close it, and re-open it.

Is it just a really weird bug?

You can try the same thing above with another sentence "this app can break"



Explanation for Trick #1:

In windows the folder name and the special system variables share the same interface, so when you create a folder with a system variable name it will consider that folder already exists!!

These special system variables are available irrespective of path. You cannot create a folder with these names also:
CON, NUL, COM1, COM2, COM3, LPT1, LPT2, LPT3,COM1 to COM9 and LPT1 to LPT9….,PRN. CON means console, COM1 means serial port 1, LPT1 means parallel port 1 and so on...

Explanation for Trick #2:

"The rand "virus”: or how to insert dummy text into a document”

Like jokes, urban legends, and virus hoaxes, tips about Word’s little-used or undocumented features periodically makes their way around the Internet, occasioning a wave of postings in Word newsgroups. One of these is =rand(), which is sometimes represented as an Easter egg, sometimes feared as a possible virus. It is neither. It is a Word function (undocumented in the online Help but documented in the Microsoft Knowledge Base) that can be useful in certain circumstances.

The rand function-
The Microsoft Knowledge Base article "How to Insert Sample Text into a Document in Word [212251]” explains the use and syntax of the function:

Microsoft Word allows you to quickly insert sample text into a document. To do this, type =rand() in the document where you want the text to appear, and then press ENTER.

The inserted text is that hardy perennial: "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog,” which contains every letter in the English alphabet.

By default, the sample text contains three paragraphs, each containing five sentences. You can control how many paragraphs and sentences appear by adding numbers inside the parentheses, for instance:


The first number is the number of paragraphs, and the second the number of sentences per paragraph. If you omit the second number, you get five sentences in each paragraph. So, for example:


inserts three, four-sentence paragraphs, while:


inserts ten, five-sentence paragraphs.

The maximum number for either parameter is 200 and may be lower depending on the number of paragraphs and sentences specified. For instance, if you specify 200 paragraphs, then the maximum number of sentences per paragraph you can specify is 99:

=rand(200, 99)

If you specify 200 sentences per paragraph, then the maximum number of paragraphs you can specify is 99.

Admittedly, this function serves a useful purpose for filling a page when you’re designing a template and want to see how it will look with text in it. It’s also easy to see how users can be alarmed and fear this is a virus when someone suggests they try "=rand(200,99),” which quickly blows up into a giant document! (Incidentally, part of the instructions in some versions is to "Make sure there is a space between = and rand and a space between rand and (200,99).” This actually makes no difference: the function works equally well with and without spaces.)

Explanation for Trick #3:

"Bush hid the facts” is the common name for a bug present in all versions of Microsoft Notepad in Windows 2000 and Windows XP, which misinterpret a file in Windows-1252 or similar encoding such as UTF-16.

While "Bush hid the facts” is the sentence that is most commonly presented on the Internet, it does not exclusively occur with that phrase. The bug can be triggered by many sentences, including those that follow a particular structure: first word with an even number of letters (2 or more) and all other words with odd number of letters (3 or more). E.g. first word with 4 letters, two or more words with 3 letters, one word with 5 letters. Some phrases that will trigger this oddity are: "Bill can not dance”, "John has the parts”, "Iraq can own bases”, "This app can break”, "Feel the new power”, "Matrix can not lie”, "Chad ate the cakes” or even longer phrases like "Einstein’s thought regarding mathematics motivated Dhilung Kirat thinkin mathematics wonderfully amazing languagez”. Though, these conditions are not sufficient: for example, the string "busx hix thx factx” displays correctly.

The bug occurs when such a string is entered into Notepad (with no other characters) and then saved as a text file. Upon reloading the file into Notepad, the text will be replaced with nine Chinese characters, or squares if the language pack has not been installed. To retrieve the original text, bring up the "Open a file” dialog box, select the file, select "ANSI” in the "Encoding” list box, and click Open.


The bug appeared for the first time in Windows 2000 but was not discovered immediately. It was discovered in early 2004 [1] and has since risen in popularity on the Internet.

Clearing the content by selecting, cutting and then repasting the text does not prevent reproduction as long as it is carefully done.

Notepad misinterprets the encoding of the file when it is re-opened. If the file is originally saved as "Unicode” rather than "ANSI” the text displays correctly.

Older versions of Notepad such as those that came with Windows 95, 98 or ME do not include Unicode support so the error does not occur.

Notepad2 (by Florian Balmer) also exhibits this strange behaviour.


What you see isn’t what you typed.

But the truth is that all 4-3-3-5 strings work. So if you type "this app can break”. The same results. It appears to be bug from Microsoft which has been fixed inVista. Here is someone from forum explanation:

Whenever we open a text file in notepad, it determines whether the text is ASCII or Unicode.. But actually there is no way in the world to exactly determine whether the text is ASCII or Unicode.. There is a function called IsTextUnicode in windows API.. The function does some tests on the text based on statistical data.. This is what MSDN says about the function..

"The function uses various statistical and deterministic methods to make its determination.. These tests are not foolproof. The statistical tests assume certain amounts of variation between low and high bytes in a string, and some ASCII strings can slip through. For example, if lpBuffer points to the ASCII string 0×41, 0×0A, 0×0D, 0×1D (A\n\r^Z), the string passes the IS_TEXT_UNICODE_STATISTICS test, though failure would be preferable.”


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